New Sony Vaio P Acts As PS3 Keyboard

So we were teased about the new Vaio P and before, we had mentioned that Sony was looking to add Remote Play connectivity to it’s Vaio series as well. The first of this we saw was in recently yesterday announced Sony Vaio P which feature the Remote Play function. Now comes some news out of Japan that these units can act as a bluetooth keyboard for PS3 users. I’m not gonna lie, I don’t think this is what anybody envisioned as the Remote Play functionality and I don’t mean this in a good way. I’m sure more functionality will trickle out but this is one of those things where we wished Sony didn’t use it’s engineering cash to develop. This would be a much better function on their upcoming Experia series. Why? Well I have my iPhone on me all the time and so it’s convenient for me to use it on my AppleTV. But if my MacBook hooked up to it as well, I would never use it because I would need to have a bulky (granted the Vaio P is very small) computer next to me, just so I can type in some stuff…Come on Sony, either wow us with something useful or don’t bother and spend the cash elsewhere. We say it for you.