Editorial: My PS3 Facebook Dream

I have to admit, I’m kind of a Facebook whore. I have it on all my devices. See our Sony Dash review. I have it on my iPhone and iPad and I enabled it on day one when Sony allowed for it on the PS3. However, I think the experience has left a lot to be desired for. The good news is not only that I  have a game plan here, but it’s something that’s fairly easy to implement.

So first, lets start off with what I like about Facebook on these devices. I like how if you currently gain trophies, it posts them on your Facebook feed. It’s nice to show what you gained and it tells your friends what your playing. I also like it when you purchase something, it again posts it to your wall. How else would people know how many different adorable Sack Boys and Girls I have! But beyond that, there is not a whole lot more.

The idea of Facebook is to be in touch with people and let them know what you’re doing/thinking. If we pause for a minute, PSN sort of does this as well. You can see people’s statuses by going on your friends list, what game they are playing and a little blurb on top of their name. The problem is that currently there is no convenient way of changing that, so for most people, it stays the same. The first implementation that I would do is, when you change your blurb on PSN, it updates that to your Facebook. So-and-so thinks MAG is awesome. To really go the extra mile,  let’s give users the capability to update your Facebook from your PSN, but also, if you update your Facebook status from your Mac/iPhone etc., it should also update your PSN. I think that single move will give PSN a sense of fluidity and “currentness”, for lack of a better word. It’s much more up to date on what you’re doing and is now much more socially integrated into your life. This seems like a very possible and easy setup on Sony’s part that will give PSN a very social pulse and put it out there more.

Other things I would like to see, though they are a little more out there, are to be able to upload pictures and videos to your Facebook. Currently, some games allow you to to take screen shots or record videos and put them on YouTube. Why not Facebook as well? The key for all of this is two-sided for Sony. It first gets people to interact with your content which is always good. Oh hey, awesome kill in Uncharted, I should go back and play that and try that too. Also, it’s free advertisement for them. So if you’re listening to this, Sony, and would like some more ideas, I’d love to give them to you. Contact Us?