Xperia 10 Dominates In Japan

Did you know that the Xperia 10 is dominating in Japan and taking out the iPhone as being the best selling handset? The Xperia, as you know by now, is running Android and will be getting Android 2.1 in the near future. Google CEO, Eric Schmidt reminded him that “Google doesn’t dominate,” (This is Google’s way of pretending they are not set out to destory every company out there), but Stringer responded with “When you beat Apple, you’re dominating.”

It’s of course no surprise that Sony used to be what Apple is today: the cool, hip, and modern brand. Where Sony used to have the Walkman and Sony Ericsson brands, now there is the iPod and iPhone. In my mind though, Sony has all the tools it needs to stand up with the likes of Apple and use Google’s own open software like Android to battle back brands like Samsung and Microsoft. I just hope they see all of their own assets and bring their many departments together.

[Pic Via Gizmodo]