Domino's Blu Tuesday!

For those of you that read this weekly, I must apologize for not having a Domino’s Blu Tuesday the past 2 weeks. I’m going to be straight up and say that there wasn’t any Blu-rays I was excited for or purchased in that time. But now I’m back! With three great releases this first of June, it’s a great day.

The first movie is one that has been advertised like crazy and I’m sure you all are aware: Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland.  I’m still surprised at how fast this film came to us at home as it was released in theaters in mid March. I saw this movie in theaters in 3D but would of been happier in 2D, that’s why I’m excited for this blu-ray release.  I think it’ll look far better at home on Blu-ray than the pop-up book effect it had at times in the theater. Although it’s not a favorite movie of mine, I really enjoyed it and have always been a fan of Johnny Depp and Tim Burton.

The next two movies are great action films that I feel are a must for a collection: Bad Boys and War of the Worlds. I don’t know why it took so long for Bad Boys to come out. This movie has been advertised for Blu-ray for about 3 years now with clips being shown in the ‘previews’ before you watch a blu movie at home. These are great comedy/action film from Michael Bay and I hope more Will Smith movies come out, especially Independence Day and Bad Boys 2.

Christopher Nolan is my favorite director and I will buy all of his films on Blu-ray. From my spending habits it seems I also feel this way about Steven Spielberg. He has created such amazing films, most of which are sci-fi action or epic World War II movies. I picked up War of the Worlds and can’t wait to watch it this week.