Sony Ericsson Phones To Gain Pressure-Sensitive Tactile Touchscreen?

Sony has a new and unique idea for its touch screen phones: a pressure sensitive screen, meaning the harder you push on the screen, the faster or slower (depending on the application) the unit will react. For iPhone users: think of when you flick the screen, the faster your flick, the faster the screen moves.  Sony has gone on record and stated that “commercialization might not be too far off” and that they want to bring it to the Sony Ericsson line “as soon as possible.”

As cool as a technology this is though, I fear it won’t matter much if Sony Ericsson doesn’t get their act together. Put it this way, Sony does make some amazing phones like the Xperia 10 but when was the last time you saw anybody in the states with a Sony phone? The problem is that Sony never works with a partner to give customers incentive deals to buy their phones. So instead of a price of $200-$300, they always have the normal $600 price and nobody in this day and age will pay that much for a phone. So until they partner up with AT&T and T-Mobile, things are not going to take off for them on the phone side, no matter how amazing of a new feature they put into them.
