We Sent Our Resident Gamer Girl To E3

One of the things I really believe in is the culture of gaming. Some write it off as “oh you’re going to play Nintendo” and others think of gaming as what is causing violence in schools. I see gaming as a beautiful culture where friends compete with each other, and artists get together to design every sound that comes from your speaker and compose Hollywood blockbuster-like stories. To me, gaming is beyond an art that is ever-expanding. Part of this expansion is indeed from the female population. Again, many either write them off or just simply assume they are playing “Guitar Hero” (nothing wrong with that). But there is so much more to them. Again, many think of girl gamers and booth babes come to mind, but there is more to girl gamers than just sexy outfits (but I won’t complain about that either). This site alone can really show you the diversity of these girls. Just the other day, I was sitting down with our very own editor Allegra Wilson and we were playing “LittleBigPlanet” and then did some racing in “Gran Turismo 5 Prologue.” Our own writer Jenni “Domino” Petot will school you in “Modern Warfare 2” and you wouldn’t think there is a girl on the other end.

With this, I was excited that Domino got a chance to head to E3 this year. Look for her reports soon as she covers E3 from her own perspective.