My E3 Experience and Sony Highlights

E3 ended two weeks ago and I am very delayed on writing about my fantastic experience there. Well, through my work (mOcean) I was able to attend E3 on Wednesday for a good half day. Granted that’s not a ton of time, I still got a great look at some upcoming products and games and had an amazing time. Below I’ll talk about some of my Sony Highlights and games from that day.  Entering E3 I was in total awe. My eyes and mouth were wide open and I was on sensory overload. LCD screens, music, characters, displays, lights and colors filled the room.

Of course my first stop was the Sony exhibit. Here at SonyRumors we love writing about 3D. I was very impressed at the 3D gaming and played “Wipeout” and “Motorstorm” in 3D.  The movements in the smooth gameplay are very enhanced; everything just popped.  The only drawback so far is that 3D gaming darkens the image a lot like in most movie theaters.

Next I checked out “Killzone 3” but unfortunately did not get the chance to play with the line being over  an hour wait. That was one thing that bugged me, everyone playing games just hogged the screen forever. When I check out a game I play enough to get a good feel of how it will be but don’t need to sit and beat the entire demo. That was frustrating when I wanted to try out so much. The gameplay I observed was action packed and I can’t image how a FPS would look in 3D.

Continue on for more photos and captions from my amazing day!

The Playstation Move was a big highlight for me and a surprise, I might add. I was very anxious to play this and unsure on the results. I must say this demo made me want to purchase it. The movements and reaction time are  so smooth and more advanced than the Wii. I say this because The Move follows your movements not only left to right but front to back and the depth aspect gives a lot better gameplay. The harder you swing, throw or pull affects the gameplay making it as real as a motion game could be.

“TRON” is a game I played at E3 that I normally wouldn’t buy. Games based on movies for the most part…are bad. First off, the Disney exhibit at E3 was awesome. They had a Tron bike on display and huge TRON letters as a platform to play the game inside of. I was very excited that Disney chose to use the PS3 as the system to try this game on (woo) since it will be available on all platforms.  Tron is a 3rd person action game where you control the character in awesome LED lit environments. I played the combat portion of the demo where you have a disk as a weapon and the ability to jump around fighting enemies using combos and running up walls to power up. This game was super fun and one of my favorites I played at E3.

I saw a little bit of everything shown at E3 and below are pictures from my day.  I wasn’t there for long, but loved what I saw and I am very excited for the next year of games.  Big titles I didn’t have time to see were “Twisted Metal,” “LittleBigPlanet 2” and “Gran Turismo 5.” I wish I spent more time at Sony but wanted to get a feel for E3 in its entirety. Other games I played are “Kingdom Hearts” on PSP, “Sonic the Hedgehog 4,” and a a new “old school’ comic Batman game.

I do have to mention that the very last thing I did before I left was go back to the Sony 3D gaming section and there was a great surprise. I met Cyrus, Amped and host Brent Gocke from the Tester. They were all very nice and glad they took a few minutes to chat with me. Cyrus won The Tester and said he has been working at Sony for two months now and loves it. Marvel vs. Capcom was among his favorite games at E3 and he mentioned that The Tester 2 is open for auditions and that I should try out, well, maybe I will, Cyrus!