Sony Announces New Spider-Man Actor

Well, there you have it folks. Sony has announced that 26-year-old British actor Andrew Garfield will be playing Peter Parker in the new Spider-Man trilogy that “peter-parker-told-differently/” target=”_self”>Marc Web will be directing in 3D. Andrews credits include Boy A, The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus, and The Social Network, and I’ve yet to see any of these movies (of course, “The Social Network” is not out yet). But I’m a little stumped by this. First, he doesn’t come off as “Spider-Man” to me but until I actually see him, I will give him the benefit of the doubt. No reason to blast the poor guy before I have something to judge him off of. But what really surprises me is how old he is. Marc Web and Sony wanted to gear this new Spider-Man trilogy when Peter was in High School. Andrew Garfield age-wise is way too old for that. Especially if you consider the fact that he is signed on for 3 films. Granted older actors play younger roles all the time, so again I’ll hold judgement on that but It just dosent seem to fit the idea they were going for.

[Via ComingSoon]