Sony Shows Battle: Los Angeles Trailer, Sort Of

Comic Con 2010 was the first ever Comic Con attended by SonyRumors and me personally. As you probably know, every studio does what it can to draw attention to what it thinks is a winning movie and for Sony, it’s Battle: Los Angeles. This was a story that I actually covered a little while ago and it still seems to hold up. Sony believes this movie and it was obvious during Comic Con. From the above shot, you can tell that everybody was going to know about that movie. During the event itself, Sony showed an alien invasion trailer that is a mix of Black Haw Down (Sony movie) and Independence Day. So to feed the appetites of those who did not attend or missed the trailer, Sony has now released a 4 second trailer. No joke, it’s 4 whole seconds. I don’t really get it? But I’m hoping to see more from all of the positive buzz this movie gained during Comic Con 2010. Look for the film to hit on March 11th, 2011.