Monster House 3D Blu-ray Announced

If you recently have purchased a 3D TV, you know that outside of the World Cup 2010, content has been scarce. Well Sony is looking to change that up with on September 14th with a 3D Blu-ray release of Monster House. Best of all (a fantastic decision on Sonys end), this edition holds both the 2D and 3D version of the film in full 1080p glory.

Special features include:

  • Filmmakers’ Commentary
  • Featurettes:
    • Imaginary Heroes
    • Beginner’s Luck
    • The Best of Friends
    • Lots of Dots
    • Black Box Theater
    • Making it Real
    • Did You Hear That
    • Evolution of a Scene: Eliza vs. Nebbercracker
  • Photo Gallery
  • 3D Sneak peeks:
    • Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
    • Open Season
