Kotaku Bias Revealed. We Just Called it a Year Ago

Surprise. This is the top post on Kotaku. It's part of their gallery photo contest yet for no good reason, there is some PS3 bashing going on.

It’s nice to see the web finally catchup with what I have said sense over a year ago; that Kotaku has always favored Microsoft and loves to bash Sony any chance it gets. Some websites are beating around the bush and others are lightly touching up on it but finally, there is more proof to go with it all. As far as our end goes, I have no problem calling it out and say that the bias level on that site is beyond disgusting. They might call themselves journalists but they are a bunch of clown fanboys who like to bash away anything they do not agree with and for some reason, the Playstation 3 has always been in their crosshairs.

Website SMGamers has been the one who has really done all of the detective work on this piece, finding a video posted by Kotaku for the up coming PS3 game, Grand Turismo 5. SMG went on to say:

 Kotaku titled the video Video Shows Gran Turismo 5 Has Painfully Slow Load Times and goes on to comment With a couple months left and GT developer Polyphony Digital still hard at work, there is hope that these horribly long load times can be significantly reduced. 

As you will note from the following video, the first video is from Kotaku while the following is from an independent source.

It’s kind of sad when a large site like this with so many readers has to get it’s kick from being bias towards one mega corporation vs another. In this case, they alter a video to make a game and platform look faulty. The gaming community as a whole has a big enough problem with fanboys bashing each other every chance they get, the last thing we need is a well organized leader to lead the charge. Instead of embracing gaming as a whole and culture and noting that the demise of one company or game is not good for the industry or its followers. Of course, this comes as of no surprise that Kotaku is ran by the same company who runs Gizmodo, the site that had purchased and paid for the stolen iPhone 4 and sense is being investigated by the police and has been banished from all Apple media events.