Sony Gives You Some Cheap 3D Content via PS3

During their now normal Tuesday update, Sony will be bringing Motorstorm 3D Rift to the Playstation Network for $9.99. Giving users 10 levels and multiple vehicles to choose from, Motorstorm rift is meant to wet the appetite of those who own 3D TVs and show them what future 3D gaming will look like. Of course, this game is also presented in 2D as well and how all the normal supports a game would like Trophies. This is a welcome move on Sony to first give 3D users content and not make them face a drought, now that they have purchased a 3D set. Second, Sony knows that 2D users and 3D users are the same. There is no reason to charge extra for 3D content or to make multiple versions of the same game. By giving users both the 2D and 3D version of the game, this will allow the adoption of 3D to be faster and more friendly for the consumer.