Sony Launches New Playstation Move Site, Has Fun With Microsoft

Sony has just launched a new site to promote the Playstation Move before its September 17th release. Designed to contain both facts and be cheeky at the same time, I feel like the site gives out a lot of information for those who want it. For example, not sure how to tell your mom or girlfriend that you want the Playstation Move? Use the ‘Sensitive Fireman’ tool and in no time, the website will give you a personal video that you can play to your loved one to help convince them that you need a Playstation Move.


If that’s not enough, you can look at the Playstation Move Vs. Stuff. This is a simple chart that helps you break down the what the Microsoft Kinnect and Nintendo Wii offer versus the Playstation Move. Of course, KB will be there with you throughout the whole experience as well.

I have to say that I’m really enjoying what Sony has been doing with the Playstation Move. They face big competition with the unlimited money and resources Microsoft has so they have taken a different road. They are educating the public but also having fun with the brand and making it an enjoyable experience for all, not a new product that needs to be shoved down everyones throat.

[Via Yaybuttons]