Dead Rising 2 Swag Giveaway!

Zombie week continues over here at SonyRumors. First, we attended the Dead Rising 2 LA party and got to score some cool swag and hang out with Playstations The Tester Season 1 candidate, Amped. Then, Sony scored big with the 4th Resident Evil movie, having it become the number one movie in the US. So what better way to continue the week? Why not give away that swag!

Contestants, all you need to in order to be a winner is to show us your zombie pride in a picture. Get creative. Whether it’s your Resident Evil collection (games and movies), you as a Zombie, you as a Zombie with your Resident Evil and Dead Rising games and action figures. Dosent matter! Just show us some zombie love.

First place winner will get a Greens Hardware box that includes a T-Shirt, I Am 8-Bit sticker and newspaper add. showcasing weapons from Dead Rising 2 (perfect for framing and displaying your zombie love!). Second and Third place will receive a hug and a Greens Hardware box. So go ahead and email us your Zombie Love at