Sony Looking to Shake Up the eReader Market?

Over the last year, Sony has slowly tickled out new technology prototypes, based around the concept of displaying a high quality image on a flexible screen. So far, we have seen the Sony OLED screen which is has thin as a piece of hair. Now in Japan, during its annual Dealer Convention, Sony has shown another step in this technology. Currently, all eReaders from the Kindle, to the Nook and Sonys own Reader all use a glass or plastic based e-paper. While the quality of them might be great, what isn’t is the flexibility. Thats why we tend to see them all in the same shape and size format. With this new flexible e-paper, Sony could then develop many different versions of eReaders, heck one that you can probably roll and fold up. Of course we have to note that this is still indeed prototype so don’t expect to see an announcement from Sony at this years CES.

[Via Engadget]