Editorial: Xbox Kinect Setup = Won’t Work For You

Microsoft, you have got to be kidding me. When Sony set out to make the Playstation Move, their goal was simple. Give the users the most flexibility when it comes to space and light, while keeping the same level of quality and precision so that everybody’s experience would be the same. The Playstation Move has certainly shown that and the telltale sign has been during all the events like E3 and PAX where anybody could just get in front of the PS3, grab a controller and begin a game. Kinect users unfortunately won’t be able to achieve this same level of ease and it seems more and more that Kinect just will not work for the majority of people. Again, this can be seen during events like E3 and PAX where Microsoft has to keep the Kinect in a bubble, so the demo can go right.


In order for the Kinect to not mess up during press previews, MS has to bring its bubble with them.


Now Microsoft has posted a video for the requirements of Kinect and it can cannot be more ridiculous. While everything they talk about would be great if you also owned one of the above pods that Microsoft carries around, it’s becoming more and more apparent that for a technology that costs more then the Playstation Move setup ($150), it’s not ready at all for prime time. Here are some highlights,

  • You will need at minimum need to be 6ft from the Kinect if it sits on top of your TV and 8ft if it sits in front of your TV and have another 3-4ft of space in width. Other games can require more. Again, remember that these are the minimum.
  • Your light setting cannot be too low or too high or a mix. It has to be just right. The Playstation Move? Can work practically in the sun.
  • Kinect has to sit in middle of your TV. Top or bottom. Cannot be at an angle while with the Move, just have the Playstation Eye pointed at you.
  • You need to have a clean floor. I kid you not, if there are items on the floor, like clothes, it will throw off the Kinect. No coffee table either.
  • For mic controller and setups, there cannot be any noise of sorts. Ironically, MS does not want you to set your Kinect near your 360…because, you know, of the noise.
  • Other limitations we have pointed out is that there cannot be movement from other people in the background when playing, including your pets or Kinect can accidentally track them, throwing things off.

So here are scenarios where the Kinect won’t work:

  • Messy room
  • Small room
  • Low/High/Mixture lighting
  • More than 2 people in front of it
  • Placing Kinect at an angle
  • Not having room in front or on top of your TV
  • Less than 6-8ft of room
  • Coffee table (unless moved out of the room, again there cannot be items between you and the Kinect or on the floor)
  • Wandering pets
  • Noise, including your 360 near the Kinect (for times when trying to use Voice Commands)

Watch the official video from Microsoft and ponder why they are even releasing a half-baked product.