PSP2 Specs Revealed?

Artist Rendering

There have been plenty of sites reporting on some of the leaked specs of the PSP2. Although nothing is solid, reports are coming from supposed developers who have seen early versions of the eventual PSP successor. So far, the new PSP is said to have:

  • High definition screen
  • Larger/wider (probably proper 16:9)
  • Backside panel touchscreen

The screen resolution is not so much a rumor as it is a no brainer. I could have told you in 2004 when the PSP originally launched that the next version would have a higher resolution screen. As far as the back panel, the iPhone 4 was rumored to have that as well and that didn’t come to fruition. What the actual use might be of something like this might be limited by the cost. Other no brainers are: a more powerful processor, a graphic engine, and the probable use of touchscreen and a camera. But in all reality, anything you hear in the upcoming months will be nothing more than speculation, really.