Sony Ericsson Arc Will Comes With Android 2.3, Not 2.4

Remember those screen shots from the Sony Ericsson Arc sporting Android 2.4 during CES? Well many started to speculate if there was another build of Android after 2.3 before the OS went into 3.0 category and if so, did this have something to do with the PlayStation experience Sony is looking to bring to it’s PlayStation phone. As it turns out, the simple answer is no. Seeing how the Sony Ericsson Arc has yet to go into full production, Sony had to grab still prototype models to use as displays for CES and one phone happened to be sporting the wrong code and thus was showing 2.4. This ended up being part of no greater coverup or surprise from Sony and Google and instead was just an internal code error from Sony. So nothing to see here folks, move right along.