Live Blogging the PlayStation Teams "Live From Japan: PlayStation Meeting 2011" (Pictures and Specs)

Well, I can’t say that our site was magically able to afford a ticket to Tokyo and attend the PlayStation meet so instead, I’ll be going through all the news provided by Sony and other media sites and will be reporting them here. So check back now and especially in the following day and we gather all the bits of information that is likely to be the PlayStation Portable 2 (PSP2) or the PlayStation Phone.

10:10: Video montage of the PlayStation vision that was shown at the 2005 E3 is being shown. This is to show what their vision was then and where they are now, almost 6 years later.

 “Let me start off by showing you video footage. It is the same clip we showed at E3 5 1/2 years ago, because we want to revisit the image of the future we revealed in 2005” 

10:12 Kaz Hirai: “I believe a lot of what we envisioned back then has materialized for our users.”

10:13 Kaz is setting the audience up for the new device they are looking to introduce.

 “Today, I’d like to speak about a whole new world that PlayStation is about to bring to reality” 

Kaz believes that the PlayStation 3 “has won its place as the center of the living room” and that the next challenge for Sony will be to win what device is in peoples hand.

10:15 A whopping 80% of PS3’s are connected to the internet.

10:16 As of January 25th, there is over 69 million PSN accounts. This includes PS3, PSP and accounts created to access PlayStation content online like the PlayStation Blog.

 “When we released PSP, cell phone providers were unable to deliver PlayStation quality content. After 6 years, these multi-function handheld devices are ready for PlayStation-like experiences” 

10:20 Sony wants to deliver the PlayStation experience to a wider audiences, something that was not possible in 2005, especially with phone technology.

10:21 Sony has announced the PlayStation Suit. It is a cross endeavor platform.

 “PS Suite will make PS content available on Android smartphones and tablets” 

Hit the jump for our continuing live coverage and additional photos.

NGP: With Front/Rear Camera and Front/Back Touchscreen

10:22 The PlayStation Suit platform will allow users to choose the platform (aka device or Android Phone/Tablet) and get the PlayStation experience. It’s a new Platform to built games off of, that will be PlayStation certified, insuring the quality of the content.

10:25 Sony is basically looking to make PlayStation and the content of it not specific to a device that Sony makes. Think of it like iTunes that’s available on devices ranging from the iPod Touch, to the iPhone and iPad. Sony is creating the standard for the games, the support and a distribution platform (think of it as another App Store) where the content is only PlayStation)

“PlayStation Suite content is slated to be available within the next calendar year”

10:28 The PlayStation Portable (PSP) successor was code named “NGP”. This new system delivers a “new interface”.
A video is being shown or as Kevin Butler would say, Mon-Tage.

NGP: With 3G and Wifi 802.11b/g/n and Bluetooth 2.1

10:31 They are showing of this new user interface (UI) as a demo to the audience.

NGP: Flash Card

10:34 The new PSP
Dual analog sticks, front and back touchpads. High-res screen.
OLED Screen
3G Data + Wifi
4X the PSP Resolution
Front and Rear Cameras
Motion sensors
Flash Card for games plus PSN downloads

NGP: Killzone

10:40 Games include
Hot Shots Golf
Gravity Daze
Reality Fighters
Smart As
Little Deviante

NGP: Uncharted

NGP: Uncharted

10:49 Augment reality is going to be big with the front/back touchscreen and front/back camera.
10:52 You can use the front and read touch pads at the same time.
10:54 Next, “LiveArea,” a “Game-oriented communication platform.”
every game will utilize LiveArea, which will have news of each game.
10:56 With LiveArea, you can go back and forth between it and the game. Comment and send message back in real time to friends. It will show your friends Trophies and purchases as well.
10:58 It’s time for Location-based Entertainment.. You can see in real time the games that other people are playing in your area.
10:59 Yes, Trophies by the way are confirmed.
11:02 Not only can you see the games being played around you but you can rate them as well.
11:05 You can use the analogue sticks to find your spot in a game like Hot Shot Golf, enter first person view and with the use of the touchscreen, back camera and proximity sensor, swing with your device as you line up the perfect shot.
11:07 The NGC uses the same gyro sensor and accelerometer as the PlayStation Move.
11:09 Games made for the PlayStation Suit that will be on Android will also be on the NGC.
11:12 Some 3rd party companies making games for the NGC: Capcom, Sega, Tecmo Koei, Konami, Epic, and Activision.
11:13 You can download games you’ve downloaded from PSN onto the NGC as well.
11:15 Lost Planet 2 is being played with CG scenes being rendered in real time.

NGP: Lost Planet 2 Real Time Render

11:21 They were able to make the Lost Planet 2 demo within a few weeks. This means that the NGC is an easy platform to develop for.
11:27 In a game like Dynasty Warriors, as you play, you can select the enemies with the touch screen and launch your attacks that way.
11:29 Metal Gear Solid 4 is running on the NGP with Hideo Kojima on stage.

NGP: MGS4, direct port from the PS3


MGS4 on the NGC

11:34 MGS4 clip on the NGC used the same engine as the PS3. Hideo would like to create a world where you start a game off on your PS3 and finish it off on your NGC as you are out and about.

 “This dream is going to come true in the near future, and right now I’m working on this project. I’m sorry right now I can’t disclose further information, but I’d like to present what we’re doing at E3.” 

11:37 Tim Sweeney from Epic Games is showing off the Citadel demo that was shown off on the iPhone. Running the Unreal Engine 3, the game is not only rendering the environments in real time, but the characters as well.

11:41 And Call of Duty is coming to the NGP.

11:46 Tons of developers on board as we said before.

Thats a wrap folks. Expect more news from Sony and so therefor from us in regards to the NGP. It’s expected to be released this Holiday season (aka Christmas).