It’s been a long time coming, but Sony has finally released their eReader app for the Android Market with an iOS version soon to follow. Sony has told Engadget that “the iOS version is still pending Apple’s approval, but it should be available soon.” The eReader app is what you would expect from such an app and follows closely Amazon’s Kindle App and Apple’s iBooks app which allows users to start reading content on one device and have their books and places synchronized over the air across onto another device. This free app also supports ePub and PDF formats, allowing users to import content outside of Sonys on digital bookstore. Other functionality’s include the ease of highlight text and adjust font and brightness settings right from the page you’re reading. As mentioned in the title, this app requires Android 2.2 to function, ironically leaving Sony’s older fleet of Xperia X10 phones dry of these functionalities, though their upcoming and highly anticipated Sony Ericsson Arc will have no problem meeting the minimum OS requirements.
Hit the jump for some more pictures.
[Images via Engadget]
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