PlayStation Move Continues to be Sold Out at GameStop

It’s been almost 8 months since the PlayStation Move was introduced to the market and it’s been almost 8 months of sold out inventory. Designed to cater to both the casual and hardcore gamer with titles like Resident Evil 5, Killzone 3 and the upcoming SOCOM 4, the PlayStation Move was an effort on Sony’s part to extend the reach of the PlayStation 3 platform while giving gamers one more way to interact with their content. Having experiencing the sellout first hand as it took my own family over a month to get me two PlayStation Move Controller and Navigation Sticks for Christmas and after 3 weeks of waiting for my PlayStation Move Sharp Shooter, I’m still empty handed, I believe it when GameStop announced today that they are having a hard time keeping these units on the shelves.


“We have struggled to stay in stock on the Sony Move controllers; there’s a tremendous amount of demand for that,” said GameStop’s Tony Bartel. “Provided we can get more into stock, we should see some strong growth there as well.”


[Via IndustryGamers]