Sony PSP Outsells Nintendo 3DS in Japan

For some reason, as I began to write this post, all I could think about was Riddick saying “skittish Tombs, very skittish“. Those unfamiliar with the quote, I highly recommend seeing the two Riddick movies. Now, onwards to the news. Nintendo’s new handheld console, the 3DS was launched in Japan on February 26th and has been met with great sales. Still, it seems like software is king and with a lack of 3rd party support as often is the case with Nintendo (and let’s be honest, Nintendo hasn’t really hurt from this as each year, all they need to do is put Mario on something and make Mario Party 23 and Mario Tennis 37 and it will sell millions) Sony’s 7 year old PSP was able to outsell the 3DS with 58,075 units in the week of March 28th to April 3rd while Nintendo pulled in 42,979. As mentioned though, software is indeed king and the PSP had the help of the popular sim game, Amagami. I of course am not taking this as some impending doom and gloom situation for the 3DS nor a trend that will continue on every week.

[Via GI](subscription required)