The reputable PC MAG just ran a survey in the United States, looking for the top consumer electronic company, top cellphone service provider and top cellphone manufacture with some very interesting results. The firm which polled over 25,000 US consumers wanted to track “the connection the brands have with consumers, commitment, the brand’s behavior, advocacy, trust, and brand equity.” Between leading CE manufactures like Sony, Samsung, LG and Panasonic, Sony was the one to beat them all, ranking in at 74.7 ranking while Samsung came in second at 69.5 with an industry average of 61.7. While I don’t disagree with the idea of Sony ranking at the top, being that I run this site which in turn means I have a lot of Sony branded equipment and can vouch that they are some of the best made products with my original PS2, PSP, PS3, 60″ SXRD all still running in top condition (knock on wood), I find it a tad odd that Apple did not even fall on the radar. Giving the folks over at PC MAG who conducted this study with Harris Poll the benefit of the doubt, Sony and others like Toshiba and Samsung are into far greater markets then Apple with Sony alone making computers, cellphones, camera/camcorder, TV’s, gaming consoles, accessories and more where Apple has select markets with huge sales. So if we take all that into consideration, it’s easy to see how Sony is the top consumer electronic brand in the United States.
Hit the jump to see Sony’s ranking in the smartphone market and our take.
So on words we go to the second study for cellphone providers where Verizon beat out others which is what most would have expected. I won’t be diving into that really as that is not the focus of this site. This of course brings us to the third finding which asked those 25,000 plus consumers which mobile phone manufacture was the brand of the year. Motorola ranked in with a whopping 64.4, HTC with 60.6, Sony Ericsson with 59.8, Nokia with 59.5 and Apple with 59.3 and the industry average sat at 58.9. Now this is for me where all credibility of this poll and company go out the window. My problem isn’t even with how high Motorola was, versus how low Apple was and where Sony Ericsson came. My problem is with the simple idea of Sony Ericsson even making it on this poll, let a lone beating Apple, which really? Ranked the lowest between those careers? This isn’t to say Nokia makes subpar phones but when was the last time you knew anybody in the US with a Nokia phone? The same really extends to Sony Ericsson. My knock isn’t that the company makes poor phones, quite the opposite, Sony Ericsson has a fantastic lineup that is geared to be launching in the following month with the Xperia Arc and Xperia Play. Soon after that, we can expect the Xperia Neo but with a majority of their phones launching in the months to come and seeing how the company didn’t run a single advertisement for their phones in 2010, with them not appearing in the US Smartphone market share radar, I have a hard time believing they somehow ranked in the top three cellphone manufacture poll.
Now I’m not sounding some alarm bells and stating that manufactures like Sony had somehow had their hands in this study. Instead, I believe that this will make brands like Sony look ill and ignite unneeded internets war, due to a faulty job from the now semi reputable? PG MAG. So while I can justify the results of the first finding and indeed confirm and believe that Sony makes some of the best consumer electronics products out there (sorry Vizio owners), the fact that a company who is just getting it’s groove on in the Android market is able to beat out Apple in a period where they don’t have any phones on the market, I find it odd at best. Do you think Sony is one of the top consumer electronics manufactures in the US?
[Via PC MAG]
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