Editorial: Please Back Up Your PlayStation 3. It’s Really Easy

Anybody who has had their computer crash, wether it be caused by a virus or a bad hard drive can attest to the heart break that usually follows when you realize that you haven’t had a backup of your files and now your entire  music library, photos, videos and documents is gone. Sure some services allow you to re-download an application or song but in general, most of your content is forever loved. The PlayStation 3 is really no different, especially with it’s easily upgradable hard drive which allows anybody to install upwards of a 500GB hard drive in minutes. And unlike other consoles on the market, many PlayStation3  not only have downloaded games from PSN (and remember, you can always log back into your account an re-download any old purchases), but also store photos, videos, music and interactive elements like Dynamic Backgrounds and Sony’s monthly Qore. As easy as it is to download content into your PS3, it’s just as easy to lose them. A failed hard drive, a spike in the power or heck, your PS3 just deciding to freak out on itself. Once any of these events happen and lets assume that your hard drive is still working, you cannot simply take out your hard drive, place it in another PS3 and continue from where you left off. But there is a cure for this and that is to simply backup your content. Sony  has made the idea of backing up extremely simply on the PlayStation 3 as our following video will show. Remember, there is no need to do one weekly, because depending on your hard drive size, they can take a while but a two month backup sure beats nothing.