Sony Plans to Restore PSN Services ‘Fully’ by May 31st

Chances are that for those of you who are eager to jump on your PlayStation 3 and play some online games or hang out in PlayStation Home will  be able to do sometime this week. As we reported earlier, Sony is in the final stages of testing out the PSN network. Part of this will also be a new firmware that will be issued to all PS3 owners. Still, if the above does happen, it doesn’t mean that all services will be available.

Shigenori Yoshida, a Tokyo-based spokesman said that by May 31st, the company hopes to have full PSN and Qriocity services restored. At this point, it remains unclear as to what services might not be up and running but speculation can lead to such services as Qriocity, Folding@Home and PlayStation Store thought those remain our own personal guesses. Here is to hoping that Sony can indeed restore some PSN functionality this week but I would rather them take their time and do it right, as opposed to a rushed solution which could harm the company and the millions of users down the line again.

[Via Bloomberg]