Sony Brings Unlimited Music Streaming via Qriocity to Android Devices

Today, Sony is releasing Qriocity, their Music Unlimited streaming service, to Android-enabled devices. The service, which launched nearly 8 months ago, gives users the ability to sync their music to the cloud and access the over 7 million songs that are available. Till now, the service has only been available on Sony devices like the PlayStation 3, PSP, and select Sony Blu-ray players and Bravia TVs.

With today’s announcement, any user with an Android device running Android 2.1 or higher will be able to download the free application from the Android market, though the service itself has a monthly cost. Keep in mind that this is in addition to Sony Ericsson’s own lineup of phones which includes Xperia arc, Xperia PLAY, Xperia X10, Xperia X8, Xperia neo.

As we’ve previously covered, Qriocity comes in two paid tiers. The $3.99 monthly subscription plan is much more like Pandora, providing access to the 7 million available tracks from labels like Universal Music Group, Sony Music Entertainment, Warner Music Group, and EMI Music. In addition to that, you can also transfer your personal music and playlists from your PC into your Music Unlimited Library using Music Sync which gives you access to your music from any Qriocity enabled device or web browser. The $9.99 monthly subscription, on top of the previously mentioned features available on the lower tier, gives you access to premium channels like ‘Top 100’ and ‘Local 100.’ Users can also create playlists and have them synced across all enabled devices and find artists and albums and play through their entire album or discography.

This also marks the first real offering of music streaming on Android, outside of Google’s own music service which is still in the early stages as all Google products are during their first two years, where users have the ability to sync music from their own collection and play it back via their Android phone. It’s also worth noting that this will be the first chance that Qriocity will receive to truly expand into the consumer market, seeing how previously it was limited to Sony machines only. Even though there are nearly 50 million PlayStaiton 3s in the world, 70 million PSP units, and countless millions of Sony Bravia televisions and Blu-ray players, the target audience was never proper, given that those users were probably busy gaming or might not have always had access to Wi-Fi like on the PSP to actually stream the music. Now, with the millions of Android phones, all with some form of web access, Sony can get a real judge of Qriocity and properly challenge other services out there.

You can currently try Qriocity free for 30 days