Who knew that putting 3D into our favorite games doesn’t cost developers or publishers much as compared to their film and television counterparts?
In an interview with Gameindustry.biz, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe manager Simon Benson said that adding 3D to games isn’t as expensive as movies or TV products.
In fact, Benson mentions that for some games, adding 3D costs have been “half a per cent of overhead,” and that:
“It can literally be the render programmer spending a couple of weeks manipulating it. Particularly if a game already has split screen in it, just take that mode of the game and reauthor it to deliver really high quality 3D. So often it’s the case of it doesn’t even hit the radar of whether we should or shouldn’t, it can just be done.”
He also adds that the sales of games do not depend on 3D as it’s just an additional feature to the package.
Read the full interview with Benson here.
With the future of 3D gaming consumer adoption still up in the air, and knowing that implementation of 3D to games costs less that most of us have anticipated, will you purchase a 3DTV within this year? Or will you wait until the masses have adopted the technology?
[Via Gameindustry.biz]
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