Over the week, we revealed to you the full Sony Alpha A77 spec sheet, which detailed the nitty gritty of the upcoming flagship model from Sony. With the A77 now charted for its release date, our eyes turn towards the Sony Alpha A65, which we previously revealed to you as nearly identical to the A77, minus the magnesium alloy body that the A77 comes housed in. Now, with a little more digging, we can reveal further differences between the Alpha A65 and the A77. For some, these can make or break the deal while others might find solace that they can spend less while getting all the features that they want. After the jump, find the differences between Sony’s Alpha A65 and A77.
- The A77 has 19 point AF system with 11 cross sensors while the A65 has only 3 cross sensors
- The A77 can do 12 fps while the A65 can do 10fps
- The A77 has new 3 way tilting LCD, A65 has “classic” tilting LCD
- The A77 can do 50 ISO while the A65 can not
- The A77 has a magnesium body while the A65 does not
- The A77 has a 1/8000 shutter while A65 has a 1/4000 shutter
- The A77 has a top LCD screen while the A65 does not
- The A77 is dust and moisture proof while the A65 is not
[Via SonyAlphaRumors]
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