We’re Looking For New Team Members!

It’s that time of the year again where we like to look back at the site and see where it was in 2011 and where we want it to head towards in 2012. One thing is simple and for certain: that we grew, and grew by a lot. Our website traffic has doubled compared to a year ago and so has the number of stories we’ve covered. In fact, in 2011, we posted 706 different articles and attended many industry events like CES, E3, and PAX. In addition to that, we’ve been busy at expanding our scope and presence so that we can better interact with you. You can now find us on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Google+ and Flickr where we’ve offered high resolution pictures, HD videos, live chats, and more.

In 2012, we want to offer even more and that’s where you step in. We want to have a more robust website, more stories and more videos and we can’t do that without additional interns. That’s why we’re opening the floodgates and looking for more team members. So whether Photoshop, CSS, writing, producing, social media, or hosting is your thing, chances are that you will find a home with our team.

Some Criteria:

  • For writing, you should love tech and the game industry, but more importantly, have a passion for Sony and PlayStation
  • For writing, you should love to write and want to be a journalist or reporter or writer or something of the sort
  • Basic experience with the following is a major plus:
    • Twitter
    • Facebook
    • YouTube
    • Flickr
    • WordPress
    • FTP
    • HTML
  • If you’re looking to stay more in the behind-the-scenes with Photoshop and CSS work, then knowing things like FTP and HTML should be a given
  • Have internet access (you would be surprised)
  • Over 18 years old
  • Self-motivated
  • Sense of humor (seriously, you should enjoy yourself while doing this)

It should be reiterated that this is an internship so no mulla is involved as we’re not funded by some corporation, just our personal credit cards. Also, remote work is perfectly ok so no need to worry if you don’t live in Los Angeles. Also, examples of your work are a plus in our submission form but not required. If you feel like you can contribute to our team in ways not mentioned above, we’re always happy to hear your thoughts. So if you like to argue over the internet on your opinions about a product, are an avid gamer or techie, and/or think you can spot a glitch in the Matrix, then use the button bellow.