Did Ninja Theory Gives Old DmC Fans the Finger?


The first game I played from developers Ninja Theory was the PlayStation 3 exclusive launch title Heavenly Sword. Filled with a lush world, rich story, and beautiful graphics, nearly 6 years later, I still consider the title a true showcase for the PS3. A bit more disappointed by Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, the team’s multiplatform title which obviously suffered from also having to work on the Xbox 360 (extremely apparant in characters’ facial features and lip syncing), the game still showcased what a wonderful team Ninja Theory is. I mention this to put things into perspective that I have nothing but respect for them and yet I couldn’t have been more upset at their take on Devil May Cry. Introduced as an exclusive series on the PlayStation 2, the series followed an adult demon hunter named Dante. While the game’s true gem was the gameplay, fans all over soon fell in love with the badass hero and his witty remarks.

So when I and other fans saw the new rebooted Dante, to say we were pissed off is an understatement. I should note though that my form of being upset is displayed by an article like this and my decision to not purchase this game. Any fan who feels like it’s appropriate for them to send hate letters and death threats to the team needs to reevaluate their life priorities and figure out a real cause to be passionate about, not video game characters. I, like many of the fans, was put off by the new Dante who seemed like a emo boy band heroin addict and not the big and tough Dante that we so wanted. I don’t have problems with reboots and different takes on a franchise, be it movies or games. Still that doesn’t mean every take is one I agree with. And while yes I do agree that the idea of a video game is gameplay which I’ve heard is amazing in the new DmC, for me personally, the world and the characters  are something that truly capture me in a series and the new Dante does not fit the bill for my personal taste.

You can call it being cheeky or call it blowing off steam which is understandable, considering the fan outrage, but I call it giving old fans of DmC the finger. After the jump, an easter egg in the new DmC: Devil May Cry game from Ninja Theory to old DmC fans that will either make you chuckle or make you swear off the developers.


Do you think that was Ninja Theory being cheeky or is it offensive to old DmC fans?