Sony Video Unlimited Now Allows Access to Purchased Content on Multiple Devices


In edition to Vidzone for the PlayStation 3 which brings access to over 55,000 music videos, Sony continues to beef up its media presence on PlayStation devices. Till now, unlike iTunes which ties your purchases to your account, allowing you to redownload your content on your Mac, PC, and iOS device, Video Unlimited has tied your purchases to the device. That means that if you bought a movie on the PS3, it would stay on the PS3 unless you actually transferred it to say the PS Vita by connecting the two devices. In fact, after your download, the said content would disappear from your download list. PS3 to PS3 would even be trickier and PS3 to PS4? Who knows! That is, till now.

Now with the newest ToS (terms of service) wording for PSN, would be and past owners of content from Video Unlimited can redownload their content on different devices that they log into. This allows you to purchase an episode of LOST on the PS3 and in the future, download it again on your PlayStation Vita for continued watching. From Sony:

 If you purchase a copy, the video or TV show download will be available infinitely and can be transferred to other enabled devices 

Greg Belloni, senior manager of corporate communications at Sony Network Entertainment:

 I can confirm that we did recently change the service to allow users to re-download video content. 

With the latest change, users need not worry about having to backup all of their content in case their machine goes down. They can simply redownload it on a new console, be it a PS3 or PS Vita. It’s equally safe to assume that this will apply towards the PS4, once it’s released later this year.


With such a policy in effect, do you see yourself visiting and maybe purchasing more content from Video Unlimited?

[Via ShackNews]