If you’re like me, you may have been a little disappointed yesterday to learn that Watch_Dogs would be delayed until Q1 of Ubisoft’s 2014 fiscal year. What had been planned as a launch title now finds itself slated for, at the earliest, an April release. What, then, would replace that hole in the PlayStation 4’s launch day lineup? Well, how about four critically acclaimed PS3 and Vita titles optimized for the new hardware–and completely free if you’ve already purchased them digitally on those earlier systems?
This morning on the PlayStation Blog, Nathan Gary of Sony Santa Monica’s External Development team revealed that Sound Shapes from Queasy Games and Escape Plan from Fun Bits Interactive will be coming to the PlayStation 4, and Flower and flOw from thatgamecompany will be coming to both PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita. In addition, each of these titles will be fully supported by Cross-Buy–if you’ve bought the game on any one system, you will have a copy on every other system it is available for.
Flower and flOw will be available on November 15, the North American launch day for the PS4, while Sound Shapes and Escape Plan will be coming out on November 29, the date of the European/PAL/Latin American PS4 launch. Of the four titles, only Escape Plan won’t be available on all three platforms; no PS3 version has been announced at this time.

Add these to PlayStation Plus games #DRIVECLUB and Resogun, and free-to-play titles Blacklight: Retribution, DC Universe Online, Warframe, and War Thunder, and PlayStation users have a bevy of games that will be available nearly free-and-clear at launch. Come mid-November, fans of the PlayStation ecosystem will have a whole lot of reasons to move on up to the next generation.
Would you like to see more games from PS3/Vita available as Cross-Buy titles on PS4?
[Via PlayStation Blog]
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