PSA: Sony Core Not a Product but Sony SmartBand Is… Let Us Explain


Here at CES 2014, Sony introduced a new wearable device that combines portability and connectivity to offer a unique logging experience for your daily life. The term that the press ran with for this device was the Sony Core… which is only partially correct. Let us explain after the jump.

The Core is exactly what it seems, in that it is at the core of the new wearable device that Sony introduced this week. Sony acknowledged that the press used this term in error, however, because that’s not what the device itself is called. Meet the Sony SmartBand – what the company meant to introduce it as. It is everything you’ve heard about – a wearable device that tracks your everyday activities. The entire package includes the SmartBand, the Core, and the Lifelog app for your Xperia smartphone.

Here’s where the confusion sets in: at the press conference Monday night, Sony focused on the Core – the dramatically small, white device that everyone had to zoom in on their cameras to see from the audience. What they didn’t exactly tell you is that the Core is inserted into a stylish wristband to become that wearable device that we are all looking forward to seeing in action. All of your data can be stored on the Core (in the wristband, which together form the SmartBand) for approximately a week without the Xperia app – but Sony is counting on you keeping your phone with you most of the time for this to work as intended. Think of it like the Fitbit – it works without the phone app, but it’s better with it. In fact, the Core cannot be purchased separately and instead comes with a wristband of your choice – though you’re free to purchase additional colors and designs.

So that’s it. The Core is not a marketable device – it’s part of one. Stay tuned for more information about the SmartBand throughout this CES week!


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