PlayStation Vita Slim to be Announced Tomorrow for US?


While we’ve been able to enjoy the PS4 in the US since mid November, Japan, home of the famous console won’t still be able to get their hands on the powerful console for another month. As a tradeoff, the land of the rising sun has had the PlayStation Vita Slim (PS Vita 2000) which offers a slimmer profile, LCD display (vs. OLED), and a reduced price since October. According to an invitation that’s being sent out to press, Sony has some form of announcement to make tomorrow, January 30th. The announcement reads:

 You are invited to an exclusive breakfast briefing with PlayStation.

Following the biggest launch in PlayStation history, join us for an introduction to the slimmest. 

The “slimmest” alone really gives away the announcement as Sony has released a PlayStation Slim and Super Slim model in 2013 and it seems highly unlikely that there is another redesign on the way. Further unlikely is the fact that the PS4 is about to receive a redesign, three months into its life which leaves us with the PlayStation Vita. With the Vita already commanding a lower $199 price point, it’s likely that Sony will sell this redesigned model for $149 along side the normal Vita. My hopes are that Sony can further reduce the price to $129 and aggressively market and expand my favorite portable machine.


What price point do you believe the PlayStation Vita Slim will launch at?