Pre-Load Functionality Coming to PS4?

Official PS4_02Brien has already reported on the extensive list of goodies that are set to come to the PlayStation 4 via a firmware update next month. While the list is extensive and includes new features like a video editor and export capabilities to USB drives, Sony itself went on record about how more unannounced improvements would be coming with the same firmware update in April and we might have just stumbled upon one of those, thanks to Sucker Punch.

According to Sucker Punch, when asked about the possibility of inFamous: Second Son being playable at midnight via PSN, the team had this to say:

While Sony won’t comment on the matter quite yet, it seems quite clear that the PS4 is likely to get some form of pre-load functionality, be it with the upcoming system update or a future one. This feature alone would bring a huge leap to digital downloads and give gamers one more reason to choose digital over disc games.

In theory, much like how you can pre-order a game at GameStop, you’d be able to pre-order a game on PSN which would download to your PS4. The game however would remain locked and unplayable till the game makes its official launch. While digital downloads have a host of benefits, those looking to enjoy the game at midnight are left with little option as most downloadable games take anywhere from 20-50GB of hard drive space which means you likely won’t be able to enjoy the game for a few hours, depending on your internet connection.


Would you find the ability to pre-load games onto the PS4 a useful feature?