Sony a7R II Receives Highest Ever Score from DPreview


The Sony a7R II is a beast of a camera and there’s no way around that. Packed inside the now classic Sony design is the world’s first back-illuminated 35mm full-frame CMOS image sensor with 42.4 megapixels. Megapixels of course not being enough, a7r II offers up to ISO 102400 and 5-axis image stabilization with native 4K video, ensuring smooth handheld footage.

More impressive is what the camera can achieve at nighttime. You can get a taste of the camera’s lowlight filming capabilities and for those of you with 4K capabilities, you’ll be in for a treat. Taking that into consideration, it’s no wonder that DPreview has given the a7R II its highest score ever.

Some highlights include

 The a7R II pushes the boundaries of not just mirrorless, but also cameras in general. It has many new features that photographers of the future will wonder how they ever lived without. And while skimping on simple common-sense core features like direct AF point selection or touch-based AF is bordering on inexcusable at this point, much like some aspects of the ergonomics, the a7R II garners our top award – and one of our highest ever scores – for its sheer photography-accelerating technical prowess. 


 Sony has turned a lot of heads with the introduction of the Alpha 7R II. It brought so many new features that on the day of announcement, many of us in the office were already thinking ‘take my money’ – and that was only halfway through the feature list announcement. The rest of it was icing on the cake – some serious icing. Further in-depth testing only impressed us more, as we found the camera to have unprecedented capabilities. 

To wrap things up, they wrote

 the a7R II garners our top award – and one of our highest ever scores – for its sheer photography-accelerating technical prowess. 

For those interested, I highly recommend digging through their always informative and highly in depth review. The a7R II isn’t a perfect camera and it will be pointed out throughout their review but damn if it’s not the camera you’ll want to shoot with if you had $3,200 to spare on the body alone.


Are you impressed by the a7R II reviews or do you expect nothing less at this point from Sony’s camera line?

[Via DPreview]