Sony Xperia Z4 & Z5 Series Gain Android 6.0 Firmware Certification

Android 6.0 - Sony Xperia Z5 Premium

Though unconfirmed, all signs point to Android 6.0 Marshmallow gearing up for release on Xperia Z4 (aka Xperia Z3+) and Xperia Z5 series. Certified recently by the Wi-Fi Alliance in Japan, the update allows for Android 6.0 to make its way to the

 Sony Xperia Z5 on NTT docomo (SO-01H), SoftBank (501SO) and au (SOV32) as well as the NTT docomo Xperia Z5 Premium (SO-03H). The latest Android version was also certified for the Xperia Z4 on NTT docomo (SO-03G), SoftBank (402SO) and au (SOV31). 

So does this mean Android 6.0 is around the corner?

Yes and no. While we’re closer than ever to its release, especially given that the Wi-Fi Alliance has approved of the new firmware, it still won’t be arriving this year. Instead, I’d expect Sony to begin a phased rollout some time in late January or early February. Even then, that rollout could take a month plus before it hits all compatible devices.

Just last week, Sony revealed that they would be extending their Android Marshmallow Concept trails into 2016 which have been positively received by the community. Designed to help pave the way for Android 6.0 from Sony Mobile, the trials were to originally conclude by year’s end.


When do you think Android 6.0 will arrive from Sony?

[Via XperiaBlog]