Sony a7R II 4K Video – Daytime Japan


Just yesterday, we talked about how the Sony a7R II was able to win the camera of the year award. One key reason has been its sheer technical specs that’s dazzling photographers and videographers, like its ability to record 4K video. From Sony:

You can see how the α7R II is optimized for recording 4K (QFHD: 3,840 x 2,160) movies, particularly in Super 35 mm format, as it processes readout data from every pixel without pixel binning, to effectively suppress jaggies and more. The resulting footage exhibits visibly sharper, finer, more subtle detail than typical 4K movies. Also, as the first full-frame camera that can record movies at 4K resolution in the 35 mm full-frame format, the α7R II extends your power to express qualities of vision that the newly developed, back-illuminated full-frame image sensor makes possible.

We’ve already seen what the a7R II can with 4K video at night. After the jump, some daytime shots of 4K video.

Once again Sony:

Beautiful traditional landscapes of Shirakawa-go and Gokayama which is one of a world heritage site in Japan. α7R II’s high resolution 4K movie recording function can record its beautiful scenery throughly. In Super 35 format, the α7R II collet 1.8x as many pixels as required for 4K movies. The data is then condensed to produce 4K movies, realizing images that exhibit higher resolution than typical 4K movies.

The ultimate high-resolution 4K movie experience.

Depending on your settings, YouTube might not automatically switch to 4K so make sure you change the video quality settings on the above video.


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