Sony a6300 vs Canon 80D Epic Shootout


If you’ve ever wondered how the well-received Sony a6300 would do against the Canon 80D, then wonder no more. Thanks to Michael Andrew, (aka Michael The Maven) who is a self-proclaimed freelance producer, photography instructor, tech innovator, and when needed, disaster aid specialist, we now have a very in depth video that pits the two cameras against one another.

Having just finished the lengthy video (just a hair over 26 minutes), I can tell you that Michael does a great job at highlighting what makes each camera unique while pitting them against one another. In fact in some instances, the clear winner depends on your needs as a photographer/videographer. As he says in the beginning of his video, just because a certain feature is touted by a company, it doesn’t mean the end results will be as claimed during real world usage which can produce vastly different results.

Another aspect of the video that I quite enjoyed is that for those of us who are less trained in the arts of photography like yours truly, Michael actually explains each test and fills you in on what’s taking place inside the camera. It’s also great to watch Michael perform the tests versus it being purely from his perspective which gives you a better feel for the testing conditions and how you could reproduce some of the same tests if you wish. Perhaps this says it all but nonetheless, the highly informative video will give you lots to think about.

 For a mirrorless camera, it’s the first one I’ve seen out-focus a DSLR in most conditions. 


Was the Sony a6300 or the Canon 80D the winner for you?