Donald Trump Takes a Swipe at Sony and Japan

Donald_TrumpI never thought I’d be writing about Trump on this site but alas, here I am. Resident clown and shameful US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, in a recent gathering, decided that he needed to add another demographic to his list of pissed off nations and people. So who was in his crosshairs this time? None other than the entire nation of Japan and Sony to make things a bit more personal.

 You know we have a treaty with Japan, where if Japan is attacked, we have to use the full force and might of the United States. If we’re attacked, Japan doesn’t have to do anything. They can sit home and watch Sony television, OK? 

Trump, of course isn’t one to be bothered by facts, like how Japan aided the US during the 2000’s Iraq war by sending troops. That aside, his statements ooze with a sense of racist undertones that are meant to instill a false sense of patriotism in his followers and get his supporters riled up. Sadly, his tactics work all too often so if you live in the US and have ever been offended by what Trump’s had to say, do yourself a favor and register to vote.


How is Donald Trump viewed in your country?

[Via Japan Times]