The Verge has put together a list of “best things” you can do on differing VR headsets and as expected, PlayStation VR is part of that list. As Adi Robertson writes:
PlayStation VR had a reasonably good crop of launch titles, which we reviewed here, and some more interesting releases on the way. In particular, we’re fans of trippy rhythm games Rez Infinite and Thumper, both of which are also great outside VR. PlayStation VR Worlds might seem like just another minigame collection at first glance, but it’s got at least one very substantive action experience, the Guy Ritchie-influenced London Heist.
But those aren’t the only titles on his recommendation list.
But if you’ve got a large PlayStation 4 library, you may already have some experiences to play. Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare includes a free VR add-on called Jackal Assault, and Star Wars Battlefront has the recently released X-Wing VR Mission. You can also optionally play a Rise of the Tomb Raider add-on in PSVR, although we don’t recommend it.
While for the most part I agree, especially in regards to CoD: Infinite Warfare – which is saying something as I’m not a “CoD guy” at all. X-Wing VR Mission is also a thrill but it’s a shame that Battlezone didn’t make the list. In fact I’d argue that it’s one of the most complete ground-up VR experiences out there as opposed to something like Star Wars which is just a specific mission. As for me, I’m definitely looking forward to Eagle Flight and Star Trek: Bridge Crew though I’m not entirely sure I still get what you do.
Another noteworthy title that also comes to mind is Farpoint, which, as far as I’m aware, will be the first title to put the PSVR Aim Controller to use. Any particular PSVR titles you’re looking forward to?
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