New News On Uncharted Movie

First, it should be no surprise that if an Uncharted movie were to get adopted (which it is), that Sony would be doing it, sense Sony owns the game. But now some details on this project. Sony originally had a goal of having this ready for a summer 2011 project but it seems like that is no longer the case and nothing more on that front. Now we found out that Thomas Dean Donnelly and Joshua Oppenheimer (Sahara, Conan) had been tapped to write a script based on this bestselling PS3 video game. Over all, there has been good news behind the upcoming Conan production and I have to say, I love Sahara. I think it has the perfect tone of humor and action which is exactly what the Uncharted series has brought to gamers. The director for this project is currently David O. Russell who is wrapping up work on The Fighter, the boxing movie starring Mark Wahlberg and Christian Bale, which according to /Film, has been garnering some good buzz.

One of my wishes with this series is that Sony treats it with respect and does do a $40 million budget. Take a cue from Jerry Bruckheimer who has been over seeing the Prince of Persia movie. Make it a film that will appeal to all, not some cheesy adaptation. Plus, the premise of a charming action adventure movie is pure gold. Look no further then Indiana Jones and National Treasure. So I really do think Sony can create an entirely new and large franchise for themselves with this property. Only thing, Please have Nathan Fillion as Drake. For anybody who has seen Nathan in Firefly or his current work Castle, you will know that the man not only looks like him, but can deliver the lines like no other.