Microsoft Kin 2 Uses Sony Image Sensor

One of the things that always humors me is when you visit forums and Fanboys and Girls go nuts over one product over another and defend to it death. They claim, “ill never buy Sony! Only Microsoft for Me!” (or insert your favorite brand and favorite evil brand in place of Sony and Microsoft). The reason this humors me is that I don’t have my own favorite brands. I indeed run this site so you might guess that I like Sony products and having worked for Apple for nearly 3 years, you can take a good guess about what other brand I use. But the humorous part for me is, the “Fanboys” will cling onto one brand and poo poo the other brand to show their loyalty to in this case lets say Microsoft. Of course, at the end of the day, when it comes to the corporations, it’s all about the product and money. Sony uses the latest version of Windows on all of its Vaio’s and creates programs like Acid for music mixing for Windows. On the other hand, Microsoft sees that Sony is the company that fits the bill to create a high enough megapixel camera that is small enough to fit in their upcoming Kin 2 and of course, they go with it. This news comes from Chipworks who did a tear down of the Kin 2 so feel free to read the entire article. What they go on to say about the Sony Sensor is:

 The image sensor is one of the latest generation from Sony. Sony has been a market leader in innovation for these camera phones by leading the way in pixel shrink and techniques to improve light collection at the pixel. This particular device, the IMX046, features a five metal process at 90 nm and the latest 1.4 µm pixel size. 

This also might give more weight to the news we reported a while back that Sony might be providing the camera unit for the 2011 iPhone.

[Via Chipworks]