Sony announced yesterday that they are currently working on going glasses free 3D TV for their Bravia lineup of televisions. An announcement that is very exciting for 3D loving people that hate the glasses. This puts Sony in competition with Toshiba on who will create the first 3DTV that requires no headgear. Currently, it doesn’t seem that consumers are adapting to the new 3D technology in their living rooms in high numbers. I believe a higher cost and expensive glasses ($130-$250 each) could be factors for this. Many (including myself) don’t enjoy wearing the 3D glasses for long periods of time. I would love to be able to play Killzone 3 in 3D without glasses and the strain it puts on my eyes.
For Sony or Toshiba to create 3DTVs without glasses, it requires the users head movements to be monitored and through the process based on autosterescopic 3D technology which is costly. Yoshihisa Ishida, Sony’s SVP said:
“Seeing 3D without glasses is more convenient. . . We must take account of pricing before we think about when to start offering them.”
Pricing and release dates are uncertain but we’ll have to stay tuned to see if a concept can be done and shown at CES next year.
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