This weekend, Sony is releasing the fourth movie in the Resident Evil series, titled Resident Evil: After Life 3D. For those who have followed the series, this is a continuation of Alice’s story; expect to see cameos from Jill, Chris and Claire in the movie. For those who still need to catch up, there is a pretty good deal on the Resident Evil Trilogy on Blu-ray
. What excites me about this movie besides them being creepy and fun is that this entire film was shot in 3D. That means no post conversion; everything from the start of the cycle was filmed and planned in 3D so expect to see some amazing action sequences. Also, the film is currently sitting on a 8.7/10 on IMDB.
But if thats not enough zombie fun for you, Sony is also hosting a Dead Rising 2 event here in Los Angeles. As the Playstation Blog reports:
In addition to being able to play Dead Rising 2 prior to release we’ll have prizes, food, music, contests and more. Be sure and get there early as we’ll be giving away some cool, exclusive Greene’s Hardware t-shirts too.
What: Greene’s Hardware Super Sale (Dead Rising 2 Community Event)
Where: 2147 W Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90026
When: Friday 8PM – 12 Midnight
Our gang is going to be there as well so expect both me and Domino to be there and we hope to catch you as well. So feel free to stop by and say hi. Also, feel free to follow us on Twitter as I’ll be Tweeting away. Hopefully I can get you guys some cool swag while I’m there.
Again for those who want to get some Resident Evil Trilogy on Blu-ray, if you guys buy it from this link, it helps our site out as well!
Update 8:04:
Just got here. Line is long as fuck. Store looks tiny…not sure how we are all fitting in.
Update 9:15:
So the place is actually much bigger then it appears. We just also had our first break dance contest of the night.
Update 10:45:
Look at all the lovely Playstation 3s
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