This weeks Gamer Log is brought to you by the fine folks of Final Fantasy because nothing says gaming, like playing 3 different Final Fantasy games at once. For those of you are MMO fan, I advice you to pickup Final Fantasy XI. If you’ve read any of my prior Gamer Log entries, then you will know that I started FF11 from the time it was in beta. Sense then, I’ve been on and off and I’ve never been one of those hardcore MMO, lets raid for 7 hour person. But, what I do enjoy is a quality game and FF11 destroys all other MMOs out there. It’s not bland like WoW and actually requires you to play with groups to get things done. Recently, my and my best friend got back into it. He has sense moved to North Carolina and so this is a fun way for us to be in touch so we try to play for a few hours a week. For those who have tried the game before, I can tell you that it’s a completely different beast then it was before. You can solo a lot more now, there is no shortage of expansion packs for the game and they have made leveling up and getting to the higher levels a lot easier now sense thats where a majority of FF11 community is. So if you’re game, let me know and we can get you into our server and hook you up with some stuff.
Continuing all things FF, I’ve recently been motivated to beat Crisis Core for the PSP. Not much beyond that and I’ve always thought it was a fantastic game. Just never took the time to beat it so that’s now on my to do list as well. And of course, there is my favorite, Final Fantasy 13….Sarcasm? Anyways, I’ve sense figured out how to enjoy this game. By not caring. I don’t give a damn what the story is anymore sense the first 25 hours made no sense to me. Those who said the game does pickup past hour 20 or so are correct. It’s not starting to feel like a Final Fantasy game but sense I played those for characters and plot and here, I can’t follow the plot or care for the characters, I’m just enjoying it for the sake of enjoying. Currently, I’m 30 hours into the system. Kind of stupid too, you can only level to certain points and then the game stops you. As in, I have about 60,000 cp (experience points) to use and level up my characters abilities but the skill tree unlocks itself as you progress throughout the story. Unlike past games where you could sit there and level up as much as you wanted, here you can’t. Makes total sense for an RPG!
Being a Playstation Plus member, our free game of the week was Zen pinball. I have to say, I didn’t really like it. I mean I remember I used to sit there and play pinball on my PC but I guess I have better things to do on my PS3 then to do that. Couldn’t imagine going through that and trying to get all the trophies and such. Even better, I’m glad I didn’t pay for that game! I know, I know, I’m sounding like an old man who isn’t pleased by anything but I saved the best for last!
R.U.S.E. is pure awesome. I’ve long been searching for an RTS game thats not based on rushing each other. I want to be more tactical and take my time and expand and attack and defend. I was about to get Civilization for the PS3 till I found out that there is no Trophies for the game. At this stage of the game, if an old game dosent have Trophies, I wont be buying it. Luckily I was told about R.U.S.E. and I tried the demo and loved it. Icing on the cake is that it has Move support as well. With that, I set out to buy a Move today and my local Target store was sold out and Amazon, where I do most of my shopping has a 2-4 week wait. I guess its karma in the sense that I told myself no new games till I beat a few. I’m looking at you FF13, CC:FF7 and PixelJunk Shooter!

Really blows when you're about to kill somebody and you get killed or better yet, you're about to kill somebody and somebody kills them before you do.
Going back to being a Playstation Plus member, another perk is betas and I’ve been playing through Assassins Creed: Brotherhood beta and holy shit is it intense and fun. I have to first confess that I have yet to play any of the previous installments of the series, but I’m more then aware of the franchise and what it requires. Now, the beta of the game is for the only play only. The premise is the following; enter an online game with 7 other opponents and kill each other. Now once you’ve each picked out a character, you enter a level and there is playing NPC units walking around who are the same as you. That is to say, there is only 8 total character designs. As you walk around, you are assigned contracts, aka told who to kill and it’s up to you to execute this out. If you kill the wrong person, your contract expires and you must wait for a new one to be given to you (can take up to 10 seconds). I hope it dosent sound boring to you because not only is it exciting, it’s intense as well. You have to walk through the crowds, attempt to blend in, run away when you are the target, chase your target without being noticed or killed. It’s just a ton of fun. From what I can tell, this is just one of many modes for online and if this is an indication, for all you trigger happy people, put down the controller and have some new fun. This is almost exactly what Metal Gear Online should have been.
Speaking of trigger fingers, people seriously, you need to pickup MAG. This game is beyond fantastic. Put down your Call of Duty and Battlefield and whatever else, MAG is an intense game that’s only better with the more people on it. And now, it’s only $30. Plus, free patch with Move support. What’s not to love? Anyways, my goal is to beat Final Fantasy 13 in the next two weeks so I can move on to God of War 1-3. *insert ashamed face* I’ve never played any of them. By the way, this has been Gamer Log 10-10-10, zomg!
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