Gamer Log: Time Crisis: Razing Storm and Enslaved Arrive!

Woo hoo, over the past week, I’ve ordered two new PlayStation 3 games that I’m eager to play: Time Crisis: Razing Storm and Enslaved. As you might be aware, I’ve been slowly building my PlayStation Move fleet by purchasing two Shooting Gun Attachments, as well as the PlayStation Eye Camera Mounting kit and Charging Station. Now, I actually have a game for the PlayStation Move itself as well, though to be honest, I still don’t own a PlayStation Move. Though this might sound crazy, there is a reason behind this. I’ve been having a pile up issue with games, as in I own plenty of games that I have yet to beat. Recently, I put a stop to all of this by setting a goal of finishing some old games. I’m one Trophy away from completing everything in Battlefield: 1943 and I’m currently at the end boss in Final Fantasy 13, this means that after these games, I’ll be clear for some more games. By having all my items ready for the Move, I can actually go out and by one in the next few weeks or might even get them for Christmas and have the full ready “Move” experience. But alas, Time Crisis will be more of  a fun game, beaten or not. It’s something that I can pick up with my girlfriend and just have some fun with, or have the family give it a try. Enslaved on the other hand is where it’s really at for me in terms of real gaming. I loved Ninja Theories Heavenly Sword with its rich world and characters and I’m the type of gamer who plays for story and that’s exactly what Enslaved is meant to be. Gorgeous graphics, set with rich characters and a story that is to be played out in front of me in an epic fashion are the types of games I’m a sucker for. Plus, Ninja Theory is well known for truly utilizing MoCap to bring their games to life. Though, I’m still not sure if I want to just go and beat Final Fantasy 13 and move along to Enslaved, or actually go do some more side quests and extra bosses as well. Thoughts?