Editorial: Sony Dash, the Best Sony Commercial Ever?

One of the biggest problems I’ve always had with Sony is the lack of advertising on their end and the cohesiveness of when they actually do advertise. As a believer, preacher, and defender of their products, it’s far too frustrating to see them release fantastic devices into the market like the Sony Dash and have it fade away as just another new device after 3 blogs have covered it. Sure, the geek crowd who reads sites like ours and Engadget and browses forums on a regular basis might know about it, but the much bigger portion of the public, the ones who want to see a new device shown to them on TV and likes the familiarity of what they see on store shelves when they step into a retailer like Best Buy is completely missed. Then, when Sony actually does advertise, they are too busy using celebrities from their portfolio like Justin Timberlake and Payton Manning and not focused enough on what the ad is actually trying to tell people, let alone sell them, which is the point of advertisement.

A few days ago, all of this changed for me. Not only has Sony released a new TV spot for their Sony Dash, but during the 30 seconds, not only do they manage to show the device and its many functionalities, but also give you a heads up on its new price as well, all without the help of a single celebrity. Don’t believe me? Watch the following:

What I love about this ad is that it’s simple. The entire commercial only gives the audience one point of focus and that’s clearly the Sony Dash. There is no comedy, no jokes and hyperbole about what it can and can’t do. Instead, we see the many functionalities of the device, simply right in front of our eyes with no celebrity help. It’s not that I mind when stars help, in fact quite the opposite. But they have to give some value to the piece and use it effectively, instead of just being there because they are famous. And once the advertisement is complete, Sony also lets the viewer know that there is a new price on this device, $149, which sounds a lot better than $199 which creeps close to too many other products. To top things off, in the last several days, I’ve actually seen this commercial several times which is again something Sony tends to lack in, the frequency of their advertisements. So is this the best Sony commercial ever? I think it may just be, because I now more than ever want a Sony Dash.

By the way, if you are looking to grab yourself a Sony Dash, Amazon is currently offering it for $149 with free shipping and no tax which not only saves you some cash, but also helps support this site.

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