Sony Offers the Best 3D LCD TV, According to Consumer Reports

Over the last several months, Consumer Reports has done a lengthy amount of tests on different LCD 3D TVs from Sony, Samsung, and LG. Using exclusive 3D test patterns developed in-house, as well as 3D Blu-ray movies and recorded 3D sports broadcasts, Consumer Reports pitted these units against each other to test the 3D quality, including black level, brightness, image detail, and viewing angle. Another major factor that comes into play with 3D is the leveling of ghosting a TV produces, especially in 3D. This is something that plasma TVs do not have to deal with, but LCDs are limited to their refresh rate and thus ghosting can appear.

Of the 14 sets that were tested, Consumer Reports found that “Sony’s LCD TVs came closest to the plasmas: ghosting was minimal” and they offered a much better viewing angle, compared to that of Samsung and LG.

 “It remains to be seen whether 3D TV is just a novelty or a new product category in the consumer electronics space,” said Paul Reynolds, electronics editor for Consumer Reports. “But, our tests show that there are some fine 3D TV sets out there for those consumers eager for a new experience.” 

For those who are still on the fence about a 3D TV, I highly recommend going to a store with a proper 3D setup and really experience it hands on. On top of that, the difference between a 3D-ready TV (one that will need a transmitter bar like the Sony HX810 series) and the not-3D TVs like the EX700 is about $350. I look at it like this: a TV isn’t something I purchase once a year or even every other year. I would much rather spend a little more and know that my TV will be able to do 3D if I ever want to get into it, no matter if its 6 months later or a year later instead of needing to invest into a new TV down the line just to experience 3D. I know personally I will be getting a 3D TV this upcoming summer and I’m already starting to invest in my 3D Blu-ray catalogue.

[Via Consumer Reports]