With the United States starting to peak its head out of recession and towards recovery, Sony believes that this is a great time to remind consumers about Blu-ray and why the format is superior over DVD. Although Blu-ray has done well as a format, capturing on a weekly bases, 20-30% of packaged media sales, the format was released and hit with the global recession. As consumers started to tighten their wallets, the first things to take a hit were more premium offerings like Blu-ray. Now, with the help of Veronica Belmont, Sony is once again reminding consumers what Blu-ray has to offer and it’s not just better video and sound. Having started purchasing Blu-ray movies before I had a Blu-ray player in anticipation of picking up a PS3 a few months later at launch time, a few years later and I’m currently 300+ strong in my Blu-ray collection with my eyes shifting towards a 3D collection. How about you? Are aboard the Blu-ray wagon? If not, what’s holding you back?
Hit the jump for Veronica’s video.
[Via SonyStyle Blog]
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